Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Trial by Tempest

While we can't call it a true test (given the freakish, stormy weather of the day), Crepes Paulette pulled off a very successful soft launch at the April 2nd First Friday Event in Downtown Bentonville (see FB entry: Soft Launch at First Friday). The crepe-faithful, as well as a good number of intrepid music lovers and generally interested parties showed up and ordered about 100 crepes. We consider ourselves lucky to have managed that number--any more might have engendered a crepe-disaster considering to our lack of two-griddle-training! It's really too bad that the weather kept crowds away because Daniel, Andy and the rest of the team at Downtown Bentonville, Inc. had put together a stellar first-of-the-season event. Such is life...

Since then, the wheels have continued to turn on Crepes Paulette. Some training (never enough!) has taken place, accounting has (finally!) been put in place, and....we have developed our savory crepe batter recipe. It's a marvel, made with only War Eagle Mill buckwheat flour, water, a little butter, salt and honey. We can't wait to try it out this coming Saturday at the first Downtown Bentonville Farmer's Market of the season. Hope you can make it and give us your thoughts.

Oh, and by the way, as promised in the last post, I'd like to reveal the name of our creaky, lovable old trailer: Madame Poupon! It was meant to be--I'll explain why and reveal the story of this perfect moniker in the next post...

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